Brand identity
Product design
Product design
Standout Chocolate, is my exam's work I did with my best friend Felix Lindholm in 2018. We got this case to create a brand identity and a product design for a startup company with the name Standout Chocolate that is based in Gothenburg.
Standout Chocolate, is my exam's work I did with my best friend Felix Lindholm in 2018. We got this case to create a brand identity and a product design for a startup company with the name Standout Chocolate that is based in Gothenburg.
We created the graphic profile and productdesign for Standout Chocolate, which proved today to have become one of the best chocolates out there (2022). With numberous of prizes for their chocolate, I am happy to have been a part of their growth and started it all of with the founder, Fredrik Martinsson and Felix Lindholm. The finishing touches were made by Martinsson, but our overall work was greatly imported into the final product. Down below you'll find the pattern that we created, the product design and some pictures of the different bars.
We created the graphic profile and productdesign for Standout Chocolate, which proved today to have become one of the best chocolates out there (2022). With numberous of prizes for their chocolate, I am happy to have been a part of their growth and started it all of with the founder, Fredrik Martinsson and Felix Lindholm. The finishing touches were made by Martinsson, but our overall work was greatly imported into the final product. Down below you'll find the pattern that we created, the product design and some pictures of the different bars.

The logotype was designed in simple lines and shapes to create endless possibilities with colors and patterns. The name is based on Monserrat and the changes we made were to turn N and change A to make it softer.PATTERN
We worked on a pattern with the reflected N in the logo Standout Chocolate, and turned it 90 * degrees to get a more unique pattern. It is simple, but also extremely elegant.

In terms of our product design, we have assumed tokeep it simple, but elegant and with exclusivity in
mind. A linear system that can be disposed of a
little however you want. This is what makes it easy
to work with, but also neat and well set up.