Recent years the covid 19 pandemic took the world by storm. Leaving people without jobs, tragic loss of family members and putting the economy to its knees. One of the most struck areas was the culture sector. Leaving almost all the museums empty of people.What our museums and games share is history.The history of craftsmanship in weapons and armory. The gaming industry has made this to a billion dollar industry. Making gamers want the rarest sets of armor or weapons to make their characters in game stand out from the rest.In this campaign we invite players worldwide on a quest to gear up for the journey ahead. Telling a story of humanity's caution for the after-life, together with struggling museums around the globe. Before launch, players can prepare by going to museums and scanning selected items into the game, allowing them to equip and showcase their own unique heritage.
Young Ones One Show 2023

Diablo IV

AD: Christopher Runström
Copy: Adam Lundgren
Copy: Elias Karlsson
Design & 3D designer: Me
3D Modeling
3D Animation
Visual design
“ The goal is to make Diablo IV the most exciting, mature-rated entertainment event of the year. Your job is to come up with an idea for a launch campaign that will get people excited about the game, whether they're already fans or not, and remind everyone that Diablo is one of the best game franchises ever.” 
We created an activation/campaign for gamers to visit museums and search for selected items to Gear For Hell.